2016 m. gruodžio 22 d., ketvirtadienis
2017 – A New Year and A New Direction…
Just so you know, this post will be of particular interest to people who’ve followed my whole journey and people who know about or have suffered from PTSD or Depression. Again 2016 has been a pretty good year. Though to some it wouldn’t appear so. I spent most of the year thinking and contemplating alternative [ ] The post 2017 A New Year and A New Direction appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. rugsėjo 23 d., penktadienis
Saving money… Is it always a good thing?
I was brought up in a middle class household and I was taught from a very young age to save money. So right from a young age, my savings came first, and what I wanted to buy came some way after that. I didn’t keep to this action throughout my whole life though, as I [ ] The post Saving money Is it always a good thing? appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. rugsėjo 16 d., penktadienis
Do you think you deserve to have more money than you need?
There’s a big difference in how people think about money. I think I deserve to be rich and have a wonderful life. Some people think they deserve to have 1,000 times as much money as they need, and more. But most people don’t think they deserve to have more money than they need. Which means they only having just about enough [ ] The post Do you think you deserve to have more money than you need? appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. rugsėjo 9 d., penktadienis
How Much Money Does Having A Scarcity & Fear Based Consciousness Cost?
This Wednesday Alison & I had a wonderful day out. We had to be in a place called Thorpe Bay in Essex UK at 12.00pm so decided to take the Ferrari for a little road trip. The sun was out and it was a wonderful day. Where we met a lot of our relatives and [ ] The post How Much Money Does Having A Scarcity & Fear Based Consciousness Cost? appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. rugsėjo 2 d., penktadienis
How do you automatically think about money?
I think it was last year in the UK that they passed a law on Supermarket plastic bags. This was because there were far too many going in the landfill sites. The idea behind the law was to get people to bring in their own bags instead, or if they didn’t want to then they had to pay [ ] The post How do you automatically think about money? appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. liepos 13 d., trečiadienis
The Law of attraction - Saltori structured thinking
correct me if I’m wrong, but if you’ve been experiencing
some of the techniques I’ve already shared for the last few days then right now you’re probably feeling better?
You may not
be sure right now why you’re
feeling better, but you just are…
You may have
already had a little glimpse of just how
powerful you really are… And depending on what tools
you’ve used, you may have even dared to
dream just a little…
How do you
like this feeling?
How do you
like thinking this way?
If you just
take a moment to consider how you feel…
Then can you
feel what steady progress over a few days of feeding your mind with the right
sort of thoughts is like?
Now just for
a few seconds…
Imagine what
your life would be like if everyday you filled your mind for just 5 or 10
minutes with the right sort of thoughts and feelings… Remember the law of
Can you feel how, with everyday of doing this,
your life would automatically be and become better, much better?
Can you feel how good
that would feel …
You may want
to take a few moments to experience that feeling again, as it should feel good…
Feels good doesn’t it? – If it feels good or you feel stuck then let me know in the comments…
Feels good doesn’t it? – If it feels good or you feel stuck then let me know in the comments…
Today I’d
like to share another sample Footstep from the course that is coming out for
free in December…
Do you want
to know the secret
to massive change and getting ALL you want?
It’s a
simple secret of the law of attraction…Which today is probably going to be too simple for almost everyone who reads
This is
because our minds are quick to tell us we ‘know’ something which is
simple. Yet our minds distract us from the fact that if we really ‘knew it’,
then we would be applying it…
So is this
simple secret too simple for you today…
The secret
is attrition.
can help or harm, it’s just how it’s used which creates the result.
In life your
enemy is failure,
disappointment, frustration, defeat… Your goal
is success,
excitement, contentment, attainment, achievement. happiness…
Failure is
not defeated in one big move, success is not achieved in one big move…
These things
are both created on a daily basis in the moments we live, as a way of life.
They are
both created in exactly the same way by attrition.
Your ego
(the voice in your head) works on keeping you safe, which ends up resulting in
failure, disappointment, defeat etc.
Your ego who
professes to be ‘your friend’ uses attrition to defeat
your goals of success, and happiness.
It seeks to
keep you safe with little sentences delivered at the perfect time and
in the perfect way to keep you stuck in life.
Just when
you are trying to break out of a rut it’ll knock you down by saying things
“If you do
that you’ll fail!”
“If you do
that then you’ll be worse off!”
“This won’t
work and you’ll be disappointed, and you know how painful that was last time!”
“Well that’s
not going to happen!”
“You should
be realistic!”
“Who do you
think you are, you’re not as good as them!”
“You won’t
find a partner, you’ve been divorced twice already!”
“You’re not
supposed to find love in life!”
destined to be sad!!!!”
“You deserve
to be sad and alone!”
I’m sure you can add hundreds of
awful one liners that
your ego has delivered to you at the perfect time and in the perfect way so as
to prevent your progress…
It’s brilliantly used attrition to keep you from achieving whatever it
is you desire…
This entity, is frankly your worst
nightmare… And
most people don’t even know it exists.Most people
wrongly assume the voice is them, as it’s a perfectly reasonable
assumption… Because to assume the voice is not them, is initially ridiculous…
But imagine that, to not even
know you have a real terrorist inside your mind fighting
your efforts to progress your life… Whilst you’re patiently
listening to its agenda and making decisions based on what it wants…
Can you
imagine that, or is the voice attempting to dismiss what I’m saying as clearly
Can you
imagine an invisible terrorist inside your own mind giving you instructions for
your life… What a nightmare… Especially if you have no idea it’s there!
For some of you this will be
obviously right. But for others this is a difficult one to accept… If this is
difficult for you, then I suggest you do not try and believe me, but also that
you do not try and consider this rubbish too… I suggest you decide to not
decide for now.
This is because it is only when
you have judged before the truth has become self-evident that your ego has anything
to hold onto… If you decide to not judge one way or the other then you notice
the voice s much more easily.
And this is the key to over
powering it. Your observance of it, is its weakness.
It seeks to have you thinking
that it’s you… But it isn’t.
Once you’ve woken up to the fact
that this saboteur IS inside your mind,
wreaking havoc with your life, in other words when it has become a self-evident truth…
Then at some point you’ll also
wake up to the next fact…
That you are
not the controller of your mind. The beginning of true wisdom is when you awaken to this
the law of attraction… Because now you can begin to make real progress.
Buddah wrote, ‘if a man
can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and
virtue will naturally come to him.’
Lao Tzu wrote, ‘If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into
I could go on and write quotes
from every spiritual teacher there has ever been and they all say that mastering
control of your mind is the secret…of the law of
So this should be a clear
guidance to us! That we MUST learn to control our minds to achieve the success
we seek and fullfill the law of attraction … But
something’s missing…
Why is it
that we don’t follow the wisdom of all the great teachers? Why don’t we do it?Why
do we ignore the law of attraction?
Because we are not the
controllers of our minds… Our minds to tell us many things, like;
‘this seems
like too much work’’
‘isn’t there
an easier way’
‘what if you
do the work and still don’t get there’
‘ what does
it actually mean?’ ’
‘It’s not
exactly clear guidance is it?’
Plus a stack of other seemingly
reasonable statements or questions…
Meaning our mind
distracts us with a seemingly reasonable statement or question and then after we don’t find a quick
and easy answer it then distracts us with something easy and
pleasurable… Which we are suckers for…
Albert Einstein wrote, ‘It’s not
that I’m smarter, it’s just that I stay with the problem longer.’
This was what I did to discover all I have about how our minds actually work.
So if you can stay with the
problem long enough and not be distracted, then you’ll eventually arrive at the
inescapable conclusion of; you’ve GOT to get back control, and fast! Then progress is finally near…
But all the time you think
you have FULL control, then you are standing still, and probably
going backwards.
To get full control back, your
ego has to be taken apart one bit at a time and this is done using attrition
and the law of attraction.
This little beastie has been growing
inside your mind for years by using attrition. Butfeeding your mind daily with just 5 to 10
minutes of correct, structured thinking will dismantle it.
The problem is you’re actually at war with something in your mind, and you do not
even know you’re at war!
So your opponent is using a
strategy in which it makes belligerent attempts to wear you down to the point
where you collapse and say you can’t be bothered to try anymore.
You think you’ve failed… No!
opponent has just used a strategy to win a war you didn’t know you were in!
It is an epic battle and your
enemy is relentless.
If you
aren’t working on defeating it, then IT WILL defeat you.
Your enemy is a master of
You think you are fighting a
battle on the outside, but you’re not. The battle is on the inside, the outside
is easy to win once you have won the internal war.
Now that’s
given you something to think about hasn’t it?…
Could you really have been
spending your life fighting on the wrong front?
Today as we continue on this
journey through your mind… There’s two things for you to do…
Firstly, I’d like you to just consider your life in an area you
wish to succeed…
Think back and notice how each
time you’ve attempted to progress that area that your mind
has thrown doubts and worries at you… That were not helpful,
but harmful…
Spend a few minutes remembering a
time and really notice how the voice in your mind attempted to shoot down your
dreams and aspirations.
What you are doing is shinning a
light on what it does, this makes it harder for it to stay invisible the next
Also, I’d like you to look at
when you succeeded in an area… Maybe in small things if you cannot see anything
big. Do not let your lack of progress so far be a
guide of what you can achieve!
Quite simply, if you think you
have failed so far at getting what you want, it is because you have been
attempting to do things in the wrong order, and succeeding at
something is a process which can be copied, except if you do not know the right
way to do it because you’ve never been shown.
So look at an area you’ve
succeeded in, a small thing for example; Maybe you wanted to go out to somewhere
new and potentially meet someone… Your ego threw doubts at you, but you went
anyway and enjoyed it.
See how when you succeeded you
were free of doubt or worry… Or, see how you had managed them.
Just spend some time today and
consider what your life would be like if you were able
to win the war in your mind an live with the law of
attraction… As Buddha said this results in an end to suffering.
Consider this, with no baggage
inside your mind holding you back, then how far could you still go?
Secondly, I’d also like you to listen to or read another 5 to 10 minutes from the first five chapters of the Bug Free Mind Process.
You can download it here if you
haven’t got it already. Remember no need to do too much, just a little…
Then see how you feel after you do and let me know below.
Have a great day, and I’ll be
back to give you some more tools and inspiration soon.
Best wishes,
2016 m. liepos 12 d., antradienis
How to deal with unconscious people who want to hurt you…
Recently I was asked to write a little more on the subject of: “dealing with unconscious people who are wanting to hurt you, my ego is definitely fighting this one!!!” People often ask me about how to deal with these unconscious people and how to deal with them is actually very simple. The problem is you choosing to deal with them that way [ ] The post How to deal with unconscious people who want to hurt you appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. birželio 29 d., trečiadienis
There’s none so blind as those who WILL NOT see…
Following on from my campaigning to Leave in the British Referendum on leaving the EU I intend to write numerous pieces on the mindset lessons that were exposed as I took part. The lessons do not stop coming, but I thought I’d start with this one, where I answered a staunch Remain campaigner who is [ ] The post There’s none so blind as those who WILL NOT see appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. birželio 22 d., trečiadienis
Probably the greatest barrier to our evolution…
The last few weeks have been a real test for me and my mindset. Twelve weeks ago I decided to fully research which way to vote in the European Union Referendum being held tomorrow in the UK. Then four weeks ago I realised that I had become involved as I had, ‘picked a side’ of [ ] The post Probably the greatest barrier to our evolution… appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. birželio 14 d., antradienis
The Bug Free Mind Game… Latest update.
Last Friday almost everyone involved in creating the A Bug Free Mind board game got together for our 3rd playing of the game. With each subsequent playing of the game less and less changes are needed, and now we feel after a few minor tweaks that it’s ready to go to the designers. So far [ ] The post The Bug Free Mind Game… Latest update. appeared first on Saltori.
How to control your emotions without judgement
I was recently asked on the site if I could write some more about, ‘how to control the emotions to see or hear anything without judgement or emotion.’ So here’s a little more on that… Firstly before this can be achieved with ease you [ ] The post How to control your emotions without judgement appeared first on Saltori.
2016 m. gegužės 20 d., penktadienis
The Structured Mindset and The Power of Positive Thinking
The Structured
Mindset and The Power of Positive
you imagine that… You can choose completely how you feel always…
allowing frustration, depression, stress, anger to remain is merely an unconscious
if you worked on and protected your mindset then you can choose to rid your
life of all these sorts of nasties…
do you think that will do for your progress and overall enjoyment in life…
I’d like to share another Footstep from the upcoming course with you.
today’s Footstep Through Your Mind I want to raise your level of
consciousness regarding your mindset and the importance of power of
positive thinking… You will probably know a lot of this already, and I mean
know it intellectually very well…
when you grasp on the subtle level just how important your mindset is,
then everything changes and you can begin to master life and no longer
be beaten up by it.
today I’m going to really make you think…
And if
I do this well then what you discover today will unlock your mind to the
limitless possibilities you are truly capable of…
won’t take long… And it should really make your day J
do you think is the most important thing in your life?
your family, your partner, your children, your career, your health, maybe your
business, or perhaps your education?
maybe something else?
Take a
moment and see if you can decide what you think it is…
no wrong answer…
let’s say it’s any of the above…
If you
didn’t say that the most important thing in your life was your mindset,
then you answered incorrectly…
Yes I
misled you, there was a right answer J
mindset comes first…
everything… Even your children!
without it, you’ve got nothing and you enter a downward spiral…
you think is the beginning of everything.
It has
resulted in ALL you have already achieved in life.
If you
have children that love you, it is because your mindset was working well.
If you
are actively pursuing health then it’s thanks to your mindset towards it.
If you
are a success in business then it is because you have your mindset right on it.
If you
are a success in sales then it is because you have your mindset right on it.
If you
are a success in your job then it is because you have your mindset right on it.
If you
are a success in your relationship then it is because you have your mindset
right on it.
could go on and prove that everything is mindset… But simply understand
the quality of your thoughts define your results. So therefore due care and
attention to the quality of your thoughts is essential for your growth.
stands still remember, so if you are not growing you are dying.
this, if you can control your thinking in any and all areas of life then you
are a true master of life… So achieving that power of positive thinking is extremely
important for your development.
what does that mean?
Tzu wrote this over 2,500 years ago (long before the internet… I consider
myself a cheat compared to that guy):
If you
are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you
are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you
are at peace, you are living in the present.
it was the cure for anxiety and depression clearly laid out in three short
We all
agree that what he says is right, so why can’t people just choose to no longer
be depressed or angry? Is it so hard to start using the power of positive thinking which is already
in you?
there is no structure to human thinking.
add a ‘simple structure’ and it works and you can choose to no longer be
depressed. The way you think and form your goals, your positive approach must
be considered as well.
what your ego is probably trying to tell you… After all popular opinion is that
depression is something that must be fought to overcome… If you could simply
choose to not be depressed, then surely everyone would do that…
trouble is Lao Tzu shared what to think, he said stop living in the past
and future, just live in the present and you’ll be free of those ailments. He
didn’t share how to live to that!
what does this mean…
know the answer! …And therefore according to the way the whole world is
educated then knowing the answer should equal solving the problem…
But it
doesn’t… Does it?
doesn’t because as we have already covered, intellectually knowing an answer
is useless, and probably destructive to our progress in life if our
mindset is not aiming to achieve the power of
positive thinking which leads to marvelous results.
structure then what to think knowledge goes into the mind and is of
no use, and probably destructive to a persons progress and enjoyment of life.
In order to what you are dreaming of you must
any structure then there’s nothing for us to apply. It has not been made simple
enough for us to use… It has not been explained well enough… What to think
will probably not help us and probably hurt us until we know how to think.
mindset may manage to beat depression or anxiety, or much more likely it
may not…
this is just down to chance…. Winning life’s lottery as I did by chance.
As I
will repeat to you often (on purpose), the reason we as people struggle is
we have not been taught how to think, just what to think.
So our
mindset success is reliant on any number of multiple chances all lining
success therefore is like balancing rocks…Unlikely and unstable at best…
If we
succeed… Then by chance and the cumulative life experiences having fallen into
place it worked. The actual figures show less than 1% of people succeed, so
this feels about right…
odds are stacked firmly in the favour of human failure, not success…
How do
you feel about that…
means it’s likely that one or more thing didn’t align and so it didn’t work.
There was no structure to our thinking, so it randomly worked, or most
likely failed…
We end
up not understanding what the problem is, so for lack of a better idea choose
to apply more what to think information in ‘hoping’ that this new bit of
information… ‘may just be the missing piece.’
feeds perfectly into our egos plan for us, which is keeping us safe by keeping
us stuck in life…
repeat this on purpose as most of us need to see something multiple times
before it sinks in… If you’ve got it then you don’t mind the repeat as you are
grateful you’ve got it.
If you
find this annoying then the chances are you haven’t got it, BUT you think
you have… So you may wish to just consider this alone today…
truth is without structure to your thinking, then you cannot stop living
in the past or worrying or being afraid of the future. This is where the power of positive thinking comes to remind
you its importance.
Tzu kept his natural structured thinking most people do not!
But it
can be learnt as I’ve demonstrated to you over the last few weeks. This was
entirely the point of creating Saltori Structured Thinking.
make monumental effort to get over things like, abuse, bad results, previous
failures, bad relationships.
All of
them hold people back and they try and succeed whilst carrying this
very heavy baggage.
have to apply monumental effort as they have no Structured Thinking to take the
load off for them.
they attempt to succeed in life whilst carrying their entire lifetime of baggage.
notice their baggage and attempt to fix it by thinking the things they read
will work for them, e.g. feel the fear and do it anyway…
think that it takes massive sustained effort to achieve something.
it’s just they’re doing it wrong…
they are not working on the key leverage point to it all… Their mindset.
funny thing is that…
structured thinking, then it actually becomes harder to carry mental baggage
than to not carry it…
So it
takes no effort at all with structured thinking and monumental effort
without it.
Do you
see why one way works and the other is dooming the individual to a lifetime of
suffering with depression, anxiety, stress, fear, overwhelm, regret…
But if
you have Structured Thinking then there is no pain, and as Buddha said it is, “an
end to suffering.”
is what Structured Thinking is all about, ending suffering and freeing your
true potential, your true power of positive thinking.
I’d like you to consider today in your journey through your mind is this…
everything happens to you, just imagine you were able to not get annoyed, not
get stressed, not get anxious, not be afraid, not be dissatisfied, not be
anything comes up, even if it’s only something tiny and annoying, maybe your
journey to work…
imagine if it was IMPOSSIBLE for you to stay being annoyed by it…
that you had to put any effort into it, just that it was IMPOSSIBLE to
stay angry, or stay being depressed… Power of positive thinking makes it easier
to be
happy, easier to be confident, easier to be content, easier to be satisfied…
when you consider that and begin to see it as a potential reality… Then
consider this…
those annoyances hindering you in life are holding you back. So all the
progress you are making in your life is with you still carrying them and this
is the reason why you need to discover and learn how to unleash that power of
positive thinking…
Do you
think you would progress faster without them than with them…
answer with a yes or no, feel your answer…
what it would feel like to have an end to suffering…
what it would feel like to move forward without any baggage…
spend the day thinking about this, and I bet tomorrow morning you will be
feeling somewhat different…
If you
feel like it then let me know how you feel below…
other thing I’d like you to do today is to read or listen to 5 to 15 minutes of
the process… Not too much, just a little… You do what feels right for you and
what makes you feel good.
last thing to consider today as it may really sink in if you do… Just how
important is my thinking and how I can achieve the power of
positive thinking…
be back with more footsteps soon.
being successful,
change your thinking,
mind power,
power of positive thinking,
self confidence,
subconscious mind power,
success mindset
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