2016 m. gegužės 20 d., penktadienis

The Structured Mindset and The Power of Positive Thinking

The Structured Mindset and The Power of Positive Thinking

Can you imagine that… You can choose completely how you feel always…
So allowing frustration, depression, stress, anger to remain is merely an unconscious choice…
Imagine if you worked on and protected your mindset then you can choose to rid your life of all these sorts of nasties…
What do you think that will do for your progress and overall enjoyment in life…

Today I’d like to share another Footstep from the upcoming course with you.
In today’s Footstep Through Your Mind I want to raise your level of consciousness regarding your mindset and the importance of power of positive thinking You will probably know a lot of this already, and I mean know it intellectually very well…
But when you grasp on the subtle level just how important your mindset is, then everything changes and you can begin to master life and no longer be beaten up by it.
So today I’m going to really make you think…
And if I do this well then what you discover today will unlock your mind to the limitless possibilities you are truly capable of…
This won’t take long… And it should really make your day J

What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Perhaps your family, your partner, your children, your career, your health, maybe your business, or perhaps your education?
Or maybe something else?
Take a moment and see if you can decide what you think it is…
There’s no wrong answer…

So let’s say it’s any of the above…
If you didn’t say that the most important thing in your life was your mindset, then you answered incorrectly…
Yes I misled you, there was a right answer J
Your mindset comes first…
Before everything… Even your children!
As without it, you’ve got nothing and you enter a downward spiral…

How you think is the beginning of everything.
It has resulted in ALL you have already achieved in life.
If you have children that love you, it is because your mindset was working well.
If you are actively pursuing health then it’s thanks to your mindset towards it.
If you are a success in business then it is because you have your mindset right on it.
If you are a success in sales then it is because you have your mindset right on it.
If you are a success in your job then it is because you have your mindset right on it.
If you are a success in your relationship then it is because you have your mindset right on it.
I could go on and prove that everything is mindset… But simply understand this…
Nothing happens without a thought. Further, you have to unlock your power of positive thinking.
But the quality of your thoughts define your results. So therefore due care and attention to the quality of your thoughts is essential for your growth.

Nothing stands still remember, so if you are not growing you are dying.
Consider this, if you can control your thinking in any and all areas of life then you are a true master of life… So achieving that power of positive thinking is extremely important for your development.

So what does that mean?
Lao Tzu wrote this over 2,500 years ago (long before the internet… I consider myself a cheat compared to that guy):
If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

There it was the cure for anxiety and depression clearly laid out in three short sentences…
We all agree that what he says is right, so why can’t people just choose to no longer be depressed or angry? Is it so hard to start using the power of positive thinking which is already in you?
Simple, there is no structure to human thinking.
Simply add a ‘simple structure’ and it works and you can choose to no longer be depressed. The way you think and form your goals, your positive approach must be considered as well.
Despite what your ego is probably trying to tell you… After all popular opinion is that depression is something that must be fought to overcome… If you could simply choose to not be depressed, then surely everyone would do that…

The trouble is Lao Tzu shared what to think, he said stop living in the past and future, just live in the present and you’ll be free of those ailments. He didn’t share how to live to that!
So what does this mean…
We know the answer! …And therefore according to the way the whole world is educated then knowing the answer should equal solving the problem…
But it doesn’t… Does it?
It doesn’t because as we have already covered, intellectually knowing an answer is useless, and probably destructive to our progress in life if our mindset is not aiming to achieve the power of positive thinking which leads to marvelous results.
Without structure then what to think knowledge goes into the mind and is of no use, and probably destructive to a persons progress and enjoyment of life. In order to what you are dreaming of you must
Without any structure then there’s nothing for us to apply. It has not been made simple enough for us to use… It has not been explained well enough… What to think will probably not help us and probably hurt us until we know how to think.
Our mindset may manage to beat depression or anxiety, or much more likely it may not…
But this is just down to chance…. Winning life’s lottery as I did by chance.
As I will repeat to you often (on purpose), the reason we as people struggle is we have not been taught how to think, just what to think.

So our mindset success is reliant on any number of multiple chances all lining up…
Our success therefore is like balancing rocks…Unlikely and unstable at best…
If we succeed… Then by chance and the cumulative life experiences having fallen into place it worked. The actual figures show less than 1% of people succeed, so this feels about right…
The odds are stacked firmly in the favour of human failure, not success…
How do you feel about that…

This means it’s likely that one or more thing didn’t align and so it didn’t work. There was no structure to our thinking, so it randomly worked, or most likely failed…
We end up not understanding what the problem is, so for lack of a better idea choose to apply more what to think information in ‘hoping’ that this new bit of information… ‘may just be the missing piece.’
This feeds perfectly into our egos plan for us, which is keeping us safe by keeping us stuck in life…
I repeat this on purpose as most of us need to see something multiple times before it sinks in… If you’ve got it then you don’t mind the repeat as you are grateful you’ve got it.
If you find this annoying then the chances are you haven’t got it, BUT you think you have… So you may wish to just consider this alone today…

The truth is without structure to your thinking, then you cannot stop living in the past or worrying or being afraid of the future. This is where the power of positive thinking comes to remind you its importance.
Lao Tzu kept his natural structured thinking most people do not!
But it can be learnt as I’ve demonstrated to you over the last few weeks. This was entirely the point of creating Saltori Structured Thinking.
People make monumental effort to get over things like, abuse, bad results, previous failures, bad relationships.

All of them hold people back and they try and succeed whilst carrying this very heavy baggage.
They have to apply monumental effort as they have no Structured Thinking to take the load off for them.
So they attempt to succeed in life whilst carrying their entire lifetime of baggage.
They notice their baggage and attempt to fix it by thinking the things they read will work for them, e.g. feel the fear and do it anyway…
They think that it takes massive sustained effort to achieve something.
Nope, it’s just they’re doing it wrong…
Because they are not working on the key leverage point to it all… Their mindset.
The funny thing is that…

With structured thinking, then it actually becomes harder to carry mental baggage than to not carry it…
So it takes no effort at all with structured thinking and monumental effort without it.

Do you see why one way works and the other is dooming the individual to a lifetime of suffering with depression, anxiety, stress, fear, overwhelm, regret…

But if you have Structured Thinking then there is no pain, and as Buddha said it is, “an end to suffering.”
That is what Structured Thinking is all about, ending suffering and freeing your true potential, your true power of positive thinking.

What I’d like you to consider today in your journey through your mind is this…
As everything happens to you, just imagine you were able to not get annoyed, not get stressed, not get anxious, not be afraid, not be dissatisfied, not be depressed…
As anything comes up, even if it’s only something tiny and annoying, maybe your journey to work…
Just imagine if it was IMPOSSIBLE for you to stay being annoyed by it…
Not that you had to put any effort into it, just that it was IMPOSSIBLE to stay angry, or stay being depressed… Power of positive thinking makes it easier to be happy, easier to be confident, easier to be content, easier to be satisfied…
Then when you consider that and begin to see it as a potential reality… Then consider this…
All those annoyances hindering you in life are holding you back. So all the progress you are making in your life is with you still carrying them and this is the reason why you need to discover and learn how to unleash that power of positive thinking

Do you think you would progress faster without them than with them…
Don’t answer with a yes or no, feel your answer…
Feel what it would feel like to have an end to suffering…
Feel what it would feel like to move forward without any baggage…
Then spend the day thinking about this, and I bet tomorrow morning you will be feeling somewhat different…
If you feel like it then let me know how you feel below…
The other thing I’d like you to do today is to read or listen to 5 to 15 minutes of the process… Not too much, just a little… You do what feels right for you and what makes you feel good.
One last thing to consider today as it may really sink in if you do… Just how important is my thinking and how I can achieve the power of positive thinking
I’ll be back with more footsteps soon.

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